Administration Fee: Covers one tenant £360.00
Administration Fee: For all other applicants, this fee is charged per persons who will
be named on the tenancy agreement. £180.00
Guarantor Fee: Payable to facilitate the referencing and administration for a
guarantor. £180.00
Extension & renewal of Tenancy: Charged to facilitate in a renewal tenancy
agreement for a further fixed term. £72.00
Referencing Fee: To provide any third party with a tenant reference. £36.00
Re-referencing Fee: This fee is payable if there are any changes to the tenancy or a
tenant wants to be removed or added. £180.00
Check Out Fee: Payable prior to check out and includes return of the security
deposit. £ 36.00
Overpayment of Rent: If rent standing order is not cancelled by the tenant or if the
rent payment is made in error, this fee is charged to process the return. £30.00
Late Payment Fee: This fee is charged if a rent payment is received after the due
date (Managed properties only) £30.00